Thursday, April 15, 2010

Commetns 4 Teachers Weeks 13 & 14

The reset button for the class to start over.
Operation Mulligan
For weeks 13 and 14 I have to read Mrs. Kelly Hines' Blog. The post I commented on this week was about giving her class a Mulligan. She felt like her class could do better, so she told them to turn in all their supplies and the next day would start a new year.

I thought this was a very interesting post. I thought it took a lot of guts to do something like this. She wanted her students to strive to make better grades, and let them know that making decent grades wasn't good enough. I think more teachers should do things similar to this. I think Mrs. Hines is a good example for young and future teachers to follow.Keeping Kids First

Teacher Leadership: Ostrich Syndrome
The post on Mrs. Hines' blog was about how teachers need to get their head out of the sand and stick their neck out in order to be a leader. She's feels that everyone possesses the power of influence. I think its important for teachers to be leaders to their students and to their fellow teachers. Some people lead by example and aren't very outspoken, but others lead by being vocal. I think teachers can be leaders by being vocal as well. They may not need to yell but they could take a chance and go to a fellow teacher that they think might need some guidance.


  1. What an excellent idea - a RESET button. I will have to remember that next semester. I could have used it this semester!

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