Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 18, 2010

I think one thing that I learned from taking this class is that it will be important to use your PLN when you become a teacher. I believe as a first year teacher it will be very important to get all the help you can to make your first year a success. Even using Facebook as a PLN has helped me this semester. I have several friends that are teachers now, and I message them all the time for advice or help, and it has helped me tremendously. Every teacher should use their PLN as much as possible. I'm not saying my way is the best but it does help. I think it's important to branch out and find other sources as your PLN as well because everyone has a different opinion. I use Twitter and Classroom 2.0 as a PLN as well.


  1. I agree with you on talking about your PLN!! It is an important tool and can help you a lot in the future with your job. I enjoy my pln also because I can get help from other teachers on what I need to do as a future teacher to become successful.

  2. That's what it's for! I am glad you are consciously thinking about your PLN!

  3. A PLN is a lot more valuable than I thought. I agree that it will be very helpful in our first year and beyond.

  4. I'm still confused about my least someone has it figured out.
