Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Project 8

How to Create a Blog

Project 14

April 25, 2010

A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment (or PLN)
I thought this was a great video. She has done an excellent job organizing her PLE. She is ahead of where she needs to be as a student. I hope she continues to be as organized in everything she does. I know when I was that age I was no way near that organized. Shes worked very hard on it and is a good example for her classmates to follow.

Two Questions That Can Change Your Life
I thought this was a great video. It really made me think. The video asked to questions. The first question was What is your sentence?, and the second question was Was I better today than yesterday? I think some people won't find their sentence until way later in life, or after they have passed on. THe second question reminded me about when I played football in high school. Our coach use to tell us to try to get better today than you were yesterday. I think that is an important goal. You should always strive to improve yourself as a person, student, parent, or employee.


I recorded my post for this week's Comments 4 Classmates. I put it on Cuong Do's Blog Post about comments 4 kids.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


My survey wasn't about on certain subject, it was about general things. The survey was only 10 questions. I asked where people were from and the person that lived the farthest was from Alaska, but most were from Alabama. The question I asked about Spring Break was very interesting most said they were going to the beach, but the most interesting was that someone was going to Guatemala for a mission trip. I asked where people were planning to live once they graduate, and very few wanted to stay in the Mobile area. I asked what made people want to attend the University of South Alabama, and most said they chose South Alabama was because it was close to home. I asked if anyone play sports at South Alabama and everyone said no. Most people's favorite place to shop was Old Navy. The Auburn Tigers and Alabama Crimson Tide were most people's favorite college football teams. Finally, most people's favorite hobby was to go to the movies.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 18, 2010

I think one thing that I learned from taking this class is that it will be important to use your PLN when you become a teacher. I believe as a first year teacher it will be very important to get all the help you can to make your first year a success. Even using Facebook as a PLN has helped me this semester. I have several friends that are teachers now, and I message them all the time for advice or help, and it has helped me tremendously. Every teacher should use their PLN as much as possible. I'm not saying my way is the best but it does help. I think it's important to branch out and find other sources as your PLN as well because everyone has a different opinion. I use Twitter and Classroom 2.0 as a PLN as well.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Commetns 4 Teachers Weeks 13 & 14

The reset button for the class to start over.
Operation Mulligan
For weeks 13 and 14 I have to read Mrs. Kelly Hines' Blog. The post I commented on this week was about giving her class a Mulligan. She felt like her class could do better, so she told them to turn in all their supplies and the next day would start a new year.

I thought this was a very interesting post. I thought it took a lot of guts to do something like this. She wanted her students to strive to make better grades, and let them know that making decent grades wasn't good enough. I think more teachers should do things similar to this. I think Mrs. Hines is a good example for young and future teachers to follow.Keeping Kids First

Teacher Leadership: Ostrich Syndrome
The post on Mrs. Hines' blog was about how teachers need to get their head out of the sand and stick their neck out in order to be a leader. She's feels that everyone possesses the power of influence. I think its important for teachers to be leaders to their students and to their fellow teachers. Some people lead by example and aren't very outspoken, but others lead by being vocal. I think teachers can be leaders by being vocal as well. They may not need to yell but they could take a chance and go to a fellow teacher that they think might need some guidance.

Comments 4 Kids Week 14

The Treaty of Waitangi - by Miracle
This week I had to comment on Miracle's post about The Treaty of Waitangi. His post was a video that he made about what he had learned about the treaty. I thought this was a very creative way to show people what he's learning in his classes at school.Room 16's Got Talent


Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11, 2010: 3 reasons you need to blog

Mr. MClung's Blog
I thought Mr. McClung's Blog was a great example of why you should blog. His blog will help all new teachers by giving them advice on what to do and not to do.

All About Wyatt
I thought Wyatt's blog was a good example of why students should blog. I thought he did a great job with his animation about his life. When I was that age, I wouldn't have been able to do something like that.

Ms. Glaze's Blog
I like this blog a lot. I thought Ms. Glaze did a great job teaching her students on how to describe things to people. I thought this was another good reason you should blog. I think this blog will give other teachers ideas, and will help other students as well.

April 11, 2010

Dr. Suess Video
I thought this video was a great example of how some people are unwilling to change their ways, or to learn new things. I think it will be very important for teacher to be willing to be open to learn new technology throughout their careers.

PS 22 Video
I thought these kids were amazing. They put so much effort and emotion into the song. The video and the children should inspire everyone to do things similar to this. The kids and their teacher should be very proud of themselves.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Before this semester, I had only used Skype only a few times. I had never really thought there was much use for it, but then I realized it was easy to use and very helpful. I use it to talk to several of my friends. One of my friends works in Iraq, and we usually talk once a week on there. I use it to talk to my cousin as well. He helps me with any questions I have with my schoolwork. When I become a teacher, I think Skype can be a very easy way for parents to keep in touch with me. It will be very useful for parents that work long hours or are stay at home parents.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Comments 4 Kids Week 13

All about Wyatt
Wyatt made an animation about his interests and his life. He drew a picture of his house and school. I thought he did a great job with the animation. When I was that age, I would have never been able to do something like that. He did a great job with the drawings. They were in great detail. Wyatt is a smart person.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 4, 2010

Dear Kaia
I enjoyed reading this blog. It was about a little girl named Kaia and her dad. He takes her outside to explore. She also takes pictures while she's outside. I thought she did a great job taking the pictures. She seems to have a bright future in photography. I hope she will continue her interest in photography.I thought the video the class made was well done. I think its a good way to help teachers learn new technology.

Intrepid Teacher: Singing Hearts
After reading this two blogs and video, I've come to realize that it's important to teach children at an early age on how to use technology. I think it will help his daughter later in life especially throughout her college career, and possibly help her on whatever career she chooses. I hope I will be able to help my son learn new technology when he starts school. I think it will help him tremendously.