Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 14, 2010

I don't usually use Wikipedia when searching for things on the internet, and after reading these articles and listening to the podcast about Wikipedia, I'm glad I don't. It's crazy that anyone can just go in there and change the articles that are posted on there. There are some that are obvious that their fake, but there are many that it's hard to tell whether it's true or not.

I think Wikipedia should either make a better effort in making sure that the information put on there should be accurate. If there has been information that has been changed and they can figure out who done it then Wikipedia should hold the people accountable. If Wikipedia doesn't do something about it then it could eventually cause some problems for some innocent people.

"What I've Learned This Year"
Mr. McClung talked about what he experienced his during his first year as a teacher. He talked about how important it is to be flexible and be willing to listen to your students. He talks about how it shouldn't just be all about you that it's about your students as well. He says you should not set you goals too high for you students, and be willing to learn new technologies.

I thought this was an excellent post. I think everyone that is going to become a teacher feels the same way Mr. McClung did about the first year of teaching. I'm sure everyone will be apprehensive about not only their first year but their first day as a teacher. I know I will be excited, but very nervous at the same time. I think it's important to set goals as well, but be realistic and try not to set the bar too high for yourself or your students. I agree with him that you should be flexible, because each class will be different. As a teacher, you will have to see what works best for each class, so they will enjoy what they are being taught. If they do then they will want to interact more in class and be more willing to study and do well in the class.


  1. What is "truth" anyway?

    I use Wikipedia all the time. I am just cautious with living persons/entities/corporations. Generally, Wikipedia is an excellent, quick resource. You just have to keep your eyes open and your brain on. EVERYONE has a slant they are trying to sell you. Even me. So question everything!

    Mr. McClung is a great friend. We will probably have a Skype session with him this semester to see how Year 2 is continuing.

  2. I think that is a great point you made about being excited and nervous about your first year of teaching. But I think that nervousness is a good thing, and will make you set goals and do the best job that you can.
